what happened to strythio and modestus at the baths


A series of Latin textbooks published past Cambridge University Press and designed for utilise in secondary schools. Due to the scarcity of Latin textbooks (driven by the fact that nigh schools don't teach Latin) it basically became the merely one used in the UK for the past 40 years, causing most former classics students to remember it. It even got a shout-out in Doc Who.

Someone decided the best mode to teach Latin was to write a set of stories in the language nigh of which link in an arc... sort of. This forms the principal part of the grade.

Not to be dislocated with Ecce Romani, the equivalent Latin textbook sometimes used in the Usa, published past Prentice Hall.

These textbooks provide examples of:

  • Actually Pretty Funny: Actius, the great role player, doesn't mind that his functioning has been upstaged past a tightrope walker...because he's watching the tightrope walker likewise.
  • Arc Villain: Eutychus, the Alexandrian racketeer who only appears for a single chapter in Unit Two.
  • Awful Wedded Life: Salvius and Rufilla are quite the dysfunctional couple. This is partly to demonstrate that he's a Contrasting Sequel Main Character when compared to Caecilius and Metella'south relatively happy spousal relationship.
  • Bad Boss: Salvius in full general, particularly when he executes a slave being sold to him because the slave is sick, and therefore "useless."
  • Based on a Truthful Story: Affiliate 8 tells the story of a real upshot, in which a gladiatorial games turned into a bloody melee between the citizens of Pompeii and Nuceria.
  • Bavarian Burn Drill: Salvius justifies his crimes against Cogidubnus past maxim he's acting nether orders from the Emperor. Information technology's unclear if this is actually the case, just information technology doesn't help him when his instance comes to trial.
  • Cute Slave Girl: Poppaea and Melissa in Unit I.
  • Large Bad: Salvius. (And Vesuvius as well, in a sense.)
  • Dangerously Close Shave: A barber accidentally cuts a customer when a young human being comes into his shop and recites a dirty poem. Multus sanguis fluit.
  • Dirty Coward: Modestus and Belimicus.
  • Doomed Hometown: The first volume is set in Pompeii.
  • Downer Catastrophe: Everybody except Quintus and Clemens dies in the Mt. Vesuvius eruption, the end.
    • Happens more than once. Barbillus dies thanks to his kleptomaniacal astrologer, without getting the chance to make amends with his estranged son Rufus. And then Cogidubnus dies and Salvius seizes ability in Britannia, despite Quintus'southward best efforts, and Dumnorix's Heroic Sacrifice. It's rare to discover a language learning course with a per capita trunk count higher than Game of Thrones, but in that location yous go.
  • Draco in Leather Pants/Ron the Death Eater: In-universe. Cephalus writes a alphabetic character to Cogidubnus which downplays his own guilt in the assassination plot while exaggerating Memor'due south.
  • Dying Moment of Awesome: Belimicus decides to exit with every bit much nobility as possible, hurling a dagger into Salvius just before dying of poison. Unfortunately, it doesn't kill him.
  • Elves vs. Dwarves: Occurs in "The Fence", with the elegant, cultured Greeks being Elves and the soldiering, engineering Romans being Dwarves:

    Quintus: [The Romans] are the strongest. We triumph over the ferocious barbarians. We accept the largest empire.

    Alexander: Nosotros Greeks are creators. You wait at Greek statues, you read Greek books, and heed to Greek rhetors.

  • Fatty and Skinny: Modestus and Strythio, the comic-relief legionaries.
  • Flashback: Volume 2 provided a not but a flashback of Clemens' time in between Britannia and Pompeii but a flashback inside this flashback.
  • Foregone Determination: Once again, the first book takes place in Pompeii.
  • Forging the Will: Salvius pulls this when Cogidubnus dies.
  • Frame-Up: Salvius makes Cogidubnus out to exist a traitor.
  • Have a Gay Sometime Time: Domicilia est anus. * Domicilia is an former adult female
  • Heel–Confront Door-Slam: Belimicus decides to denounce Salvius'due south crimes upon realizing the latter ways to impale him, merely Salvius reveals that he's already poisoned him.
  • His Name Is...: When confronted by Cogidubnus, Memor attempts to proper name Salvius every bit the one behind the bump-off attempt, but Salvius cuts him off and places Cogidubnus under house arrest.
  • Historical Domain Character: The Caecilius family, Salvius, Cogidubnus...
  • Historical Villain Upgrade: Salvius
  • Dear Triangle: Bulbus loves Vilbia, Vilbia wants Modestus...
  • Miles Gloriosus: Modestus.
  • Out of Focus: Quintus drifts out of the limelight as protagonist as the stories focus increasingly on Salvius'due south Magnificent Bastard antics. Later safely reaching Agricola'south army camp in Stage 26, he doesn't show up again until Salvius's trial xiv capacity later.
  • Pet the Dog: Cephalus tries to forestall Quintus from drinking the poison meant for Cogidubnus, fifty-fifty though this blows the plot and leads directly to his own death. Though this is perchance what he wanted to happen.
  • Politically Wrong Villain: Salvius is of the opinion that Pompeians and the British are all deceitful.
  • Prayer of Malice: Defixiones thrown into the holy spring at Aquae Sulis.
  • Put on a Bus: Clemens leaves the series toward the end of book 2... by staying in Alexandria to run his drinking glass shop. It's looking more like a Long Bus Trip now, though.
  • "The Reason You Suck" Speech communication: Agricola and Salvius both fire these at each other after Quintus reveals the truth.
  • Relationship Demolition: Bulbus curses Modestus for stealing Vilbia.
  • The Starscream: Salvius to Cogidubnus. Belimicus to Salvius.
  • Thanatos Gambit: Cephalus writes a letter of the alphabet to Cogidubnus explaining Memor'southward role in the bump-off plot. Cogidubnus recieves it just after Cephalus dies.
  • Took a Level in Badass: Quintus starts out as kind of a loser. Equally the serial continues, he ends up killing alligators in Book 2, thwarting toxicant plots in Book 3, and prosecuting against Salvius in a Roman court in Volume 4.
  • Very Loosely Based on a Truthful Story: Caecilius was a real moneylender who actually lived in pre-Vesuvius Pompeii, his real life wife was called Metella, their son was chosen Quintus, and quite a few of the anecdotes in the book are based on the writings that he left behind. But Caecilius actually died in an earthquake 10 years before the devastation of Pompeii.
    • Given a blink-and-yous'll-miss-it Shout-Out near the terminate of Volume 1, mentioning the earthquake but changing the actual happening a piddling - Iulius asks why Caecilius wasn't scared of the enormous cloud and ashes, and he replies, "'iamprīdem terra tremuit. iamprīdem tremōrēs vīllās et mūrōs dēlēvērunt. sed larēs vīllam meam et familiam meam servāvērunt." ("a long time agone, the ground shook. A long time ago, the tremors destroyed houses and walls. But the household gods saved my family and my business firm.")
    • The Vilbia expletive is actually existent. It was one of the many curses that was tossed into the leap at Aquae Sulis (known to you and me as Bath) and is one of the more famous of them.
      • 1 theory is that the Vilbia curse is really a misspelling/miscarving of "fibula", meaning amulet, rather than referring to an bodily person.
    • Salvius and his wife, Rufilla, were existent people, too.
    • Likewise real was Lucius Marcius Memor, from the third book.
  • Uncle Pennybags: Lucius Caecilius Iucundus is a rich banker and taxation collector who enjoys a good muddied joke, takes his son to the baths for his altogether, and is out of his mind with worry when separated from his family unit during the eruption of Mt. Vesuvius.
  • Wham Line: "That will is false. I wrote it, not Cogibubnus."
  • What Happened to the Mouse?: Grumio. Kind of. The obvious answer is that he died in Vesuvius... but the book never clarifies. He just kind of disappears afterward the offset story in Phase 12.
    • Ane of the workbooks reveals that Grumio survived. He abandoned Caecelius and his family and eventually escaped to Britannia, but concluded up fleeing at that place after finding out i of the people he abased, Quintus, was coming to visit.
  • You lot Are Already Dead: Said by Salvius to Belimicus subsequently serving him poisoned nutrient.


Source: https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Literature/CambridgeLatinCourse

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