What Kind of Family Environment Most Closely Resembles the Optimal Classroom Environment?

 Another mutual term for the wave cyclone is:


midlatitude cyclone.

The process best illustrated in the diagram of a front above is:


The full general term applied to warm air moving up over a colder air mass is:


On a weather map, a line with blue triangles on 1 side and red semicircles on the other represents:

a stationary front.

On a weather map, ________ fronts are shown with blue triangular points along a blue line.


A warm front is said to exist when:

advancing warm air overrides retreating cold air.

Which of these is common to both cold and warm fronts?

A) difference of surface winds

B) light to calm winds

C) lifting of warm air over common cold

D) decreasing precipitation rates

Eastward) steady barometer readings

C) lifting of warm air over cold

 If a warm front is approaching, you can expect:

 rise temperatures.

The lifting of air and the resulting formation of clouds and rain is more gentle (gradual) for a:

warm front

f you were 200 kilometers ahead of the surface position of a warm front, you would detect the frontal surface at a meridian of ________ km overhead.


The type of front shown in the diagram higher up is:

a warm front.

Refer to the diagram of a forepart shown in a higher place. If the warm air at the dorsum is stable, what kind of deject is almost likely to course and produce precipitation in association with the front?


The coat (or freezing rain) that sometimes forms in association with warm fronts occurs when:

pelting strikes a very common cold surface and freezes directly to it.

As a warm front end approaches, which progression of clouds are y'all most likely to see?

cirrus, cirrostratus, altostratus, nimbostratus

Rain long foretold, long concluding; short notice, soon past. The FIRST Five words of this weather condition proverb:

refer to a warm front end.

The type of front shown on the diagram to a higher place is:

 a common cold front.

 Which of the following air masses is almost likely to exist the cold air in the diagram higher up?

A) mT

B) mP

C) cP

D) cT

C) cP

The type of atmospheric condition most frequently associated with the front shown on the diagram above is:

A) clear skies.

B) steady, gentle rainfall.

C) blizzards.

D) thunderstorms and other severe weather.

thunderstorms and other severe weather.

 In the United States, the air mass virtually commonly found at the back of a cold front is:


The cloud type almost frequently associated with a cold front is:


The more violent nature of weather produced by a common cold front end can exist attributed to which two factors?

the steep slope and fast forwards motion of the front

Compared to warm fronts, common cold fronts have:

 a steeper gradient and a faster advance charge per unit.

 The inflow of a common cold forepart brings:

 cumulonimbus clouds.

 Compared to other types of fronts, the weather associated with a cold forepart usually:

 is more fierce but of shorter duration.

A ________ cold front occurs when a strong high-pressure circulation brings colder, mP air into the eastern United States from the Atlantic Ocean.


The type of front represented in the diagram above is a:

 cold-type occluded front.

Refer to the diagram above. Which phase of the midlatitude cyclone'south life cycle is associated with this type of front end?

 the phase just prior to the dissipation of the storm

 Thunderstorms tin be generated when a cT air mass meets an mT air mass and creates a frontal boundary chosen a:


 A dryline causes uplift to occur because:

 the lifted air mass is moister than the intruding air mass.

The width or horizontal extent of a typical mid-latitude depression pressure organization would exist:

 1000 km.

In 1921, J. Bjerknes and his co-authors published what came to be known as the polar front theory. Which i of the following statements is correct regarding this theory?

A) It was shown to exist applicable only to wintertime storms in the Southern Hemisphere.

B) The master features of the theory remain an of import role of present-twenty-four hour period meteorological thought.

C) Although information technology was useful at the fourth dimension, it is no longer a useful model.

D) The polar front theory was largely wrong from the very beginning.

 The main features of the theory remain an important part of nowadays-day meteorological thought.

 Heart-latitude cyclones in the Northern Hemisphere

 rotate counterclockwise.

Which of the following lists the stages of the mid-breadth cyclone life cycle in the proper order?

A) cyclogenesis, open-wave, occlusion, dissipation

B) open-wave, apoplexy, cyclogenesis, dissipation

C) occlusion, dissipation, open-wave, cyclogenesis

D) cyclogenesis, open-wave, dissipation, occlusion

A) cyclogenesis, open up-wave, occlusion, dissipation

The life bike of a midlatitude cyclone generally has ________ stages.


The free energy of a mid-latitude whirlwind comes mainly from:

 sinking cold air and rising warm air.

The approximate lifetime of a wave cyclone is:

a few days to a week.

Why does apoplexy pb to the demise of a mid-latitude cyclone?

All of the warm air has been lifted aloft.

Of the stations listed below, which one most likely has the LEAST pelting and deject comprehend?

A) point A

B) point B

C) point H

D) bespeak I

E) bespeak G

C) signal H

Line A-D probably represents:

an occluded front.

A low-flight shipping heading from signal J to point H would most probable experience which of the following changes in air current direction?

A) NE to Northward to NW

B) E to West to NE

C) N to Due south to W

D) SW to SE to NE

E) SE to SW to NW

Eastward) SE to SW to NW

hich of the stations listed below should have the highest temperature?

A) point A

B) bespeak J

C) point H

D) point F

E) bespeak E

Due east) indicate East

Which of the following best represents the wind direction at indicate H?




D) E



 Line A-B represents:

a warm forepart.

Which location is most likely to be experiencing thunderstorms?

A) F

B) Chiliad

C) H

D) I

D) I

Which air mass blazon is generally found on the poleward side of a midlatitude cyclone?


The development of major winter storms in the midwest depends strongly on:

air mass contrasts.

A mature mid-latitude whirlwind deject blueprint most closely resembles what when viewed from a satellite?

a comma

An approaching wave cyclone would be indicated past a ________ barometer reading.

rapidly falling

The current of air direction in a low force per unit area system is:

dependent on your location relative to the storm center.

When the center of a mature wave cyclone passes to the due south, you should expect:

winds shifting from east to n and heavy atmospheric precipitation

Later a cold forepart passes, which of these does NOT usually occur?

A) wind management shift

B) marked temperature drop

C) clearing skies

D) falling barometer

falling barometer

What is the cause-and-issue human relationship between the pattern of upper-level winds and surface low- and high-pressure level systems?

Upper level air current patterns strongly command the origin and development of surface systems.

Eye-latitude anticyclones in the Northern Hemisphere:

rotate clockwise

When speed difference occurs in the upper atmosphere, what effect does it have on cyclogenesis?

) Information technology profoundly enhances cyclogenesis past increasing convergence on the surface below.

Which of these best describes the reason most high pressure systems bring articulate skies?

A) loftier temperatures aloft

B) sinking air aloft

C) ascent air aloft

D) common cold air near the surface

Eastward) low temperatures aloft

B) sinking air aloft

Outside of the Great Lakes region, rising barometric pressure and a current of air from the northwest generally mean that:

 skies volition articulate.

A wind shift in a counterclockwise direction, every bit from east to north, is termed ________ wind shift.


A wind shift in a clockwise direction, as from south to due west, is termed ________ wind shift.


A ridge aloft is generally associated with:

anticyclonic flow at the surface.

A trough aloft is generally associated with:

cyclonic flow at the surface.

Surface cyclones move at a speed that is:

one-quarter to half the speed of the winds at the 500-mb pressure level.

A midlatitude cyclone forms in western Canada, and very rapidly moves through the Dakotas and passes over the Great Lakes region, bringing very cold temperatures with it. This storm would probably be called a(an):

Alberta Clipper.

All of the following are common locations for cyclongenesis EXCEPT for:

A) the eastern side of the Rocky Mountains.

B) the North Pacific.

C) the Cracking Lakes region.

D) the Gulf of Mexico.

C) the Great Lakes region.

The modern view of cyclogenesis, updated from traditional polar front end theory to provide a ameliorate three-dimensional view, is known every bit:

the conveyor belt model.

The clear skies that divide the head of the comma from the tail in a mid-latitude cyclone are associated with what feature of the storm?

the dry out slot

A blocking loftier is caused past:

a persistent anticyclone.

The weather about typically associated with a blocking high is:

repeated storms that can atomic number 82 to flooding in ane part of the country.


The region between the warm front and cold forepart of a moving ridge whirlwind is the warm sector.



Frontal systems cause clouds past calculation moisture to the air.



The FIRST sign of an approaching warm front is the appearance of nimbostratus clouds.



Freezing pelting and/or sleet occur most frequently with a cold forepart.



When a warm front end passes, temperature rises and the current of air ordinarily shifts.



 Cold fronts generally travel faster than warm fronts.



Thunderstorms are most common along a cold front.



Common cold fronts are steeper than warm fronts.



A front with a surface boundary that is not moving is known as a stable front.



Humid air is less dense than dry air.



Middle-latitude cyclones typically develop along segments of the polar front end.



The term cyclogenesis refers to the decay of a cyclone.



Cyclogenesis refers to the birth of a whirlwind.



Occluded fronts characterize the beginning stages of a center latitude cyclone.



Middle-latitude cyclones quickly dice out once all the warm air has been lifted aloft.



More often than not, a change in wind direction from southwest to northwest means bad weather volition come presently.



 Straight west-to-due east winds aloft crusade maximum cyclone evolution.



Downstream from a ridge aloft, the current of air direction is northwest.



 Speed divergence helps maintain surface lows.



Cyclones ordinarily grade alone, although sometimes they are associated with anticyclones.



Virtually cyclones and anticyclones are generated by upper-level air flow.



 Typically, upper-level air menses is slower over anticyclones than over cyclones.



Ridges and troughs are features of the upper level wind pattern.



The winds in an anticyclone mostly all accident from the due east.



Surface winds for an anticyclone are convergent.



People usually pay more attention to cyclones than they exercise to anticyclones.



Surface depression-pressure systems ordinarily develop in conjunction with a ridge aloft.



When surface cyclones form, they nearly invariably occur only ahead of an upper air ridge.



Cyclones commonly move fastest in summer.



Cyclones forming over the North Pacific mostly travel farther southward during the winter.



 Cyclogenesis ofttimes occurs in Colorado.


What cloud blazon is oft seen as the first sign of an approaching warm forepart?


Severe weather condition, including tornadoes, is almost often associated with a ________ front.


Why is the weather associated with a cold front end ordinarily of short duration?

The slope of the front end is relatively steep so the rising motion occurs in a narrow ring and the rate of advance is adequately fast.

What type of occluded front is most common forth the west coasts of continents?

warm-blazon occluded front

What characteristic of the upper-level wind blueprint must be for the origin and development of a surface low?

Divergence aloft must exist present, usually in conjunction with an upper-level trough.

 Depict the favored locations for surface cyclones and anticyclones with respect to the upper-level ridges and troughs.

 Surface lows tend to develop on the downwind side of troughs and surface highs are favored on the downwind side of ridges.

What kind of front

Severe thunderstorm/tornado

cold front

what kind of forepart

Cirrostratus clouds followed by altostratus

warm front

what kind of front end

Pressure falls when front approaches

warm and cold front

what kind of front

Winds shift from southwest to northwest

cold front

what kind of front

Warm air is lifted over cold air

warm and cold

what kind of front

Long lasting, steady rainfall

warm forepart

what kind of front end

An "invading" cP air mass

common cold front


Source: https://www.brainscape.com/flashcards/ch-9-pq-7736907/packs/12512560

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